Friday, February 13, 2009

Here are the music credits for episode #6.

The opening credits music: "Snake Charmer," The Warmers.

The transition music: "Flood of Foreign Capital," by Burning Airlines (no official website; contact singer/guitarist J. Robbins).

The closing credits music: "U-Trau," by Jawbox.

All songs used with permission of the artist.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Episode Six released

Episode Six has been released, and is available from the link on the right.

In this episode, Paul interviews Ed Beach, designer of show favorite Here I Stand among others. They cover Ed's US Civil War games in some depth, as well as his upcoming followup to Here I Stand, Virgin Queen. We also learn a little more about Ed, including what sounds like a really fun family of gamers.

Automatic downloads from juice, iTunes, etc., should start soon, or you can search for ContactWithTheEnemy using your favorite podcast receiver if you don't already subscribe.